085 -Child Development 101: The Infant Stage

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: <p>Child Development 101: The Infant Stage<br> Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes<br> Executive Director, AllCEUs</p> <p>Continuing Education (CE) credits can be earned for this presentation at  <a href="https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/613/c/">https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/613/c/</a></p> <p>Objectives<br> ~    Explore the developmental tasks and needs of the infant stage (0-2 years old)<br> ~    Maslow (Biological and safety needs)<br> ~    Erickson (Trust vs. Mistrust)<br> ~    Bowlby (Attachment)<br> ~    Piaget (Cognition/schema formation)<br> ~    Discuss how failure to get these needs met can result in later mental health issues<br> ~    Discuss how failure to resolve the trust vs. mistrust crisis results in later mental health issues<br> ~    Discuss how infant’s primitive cognitive abilities develop dysfunctional schemas for later in life</p> <p>Maslow—What Infants Need<br> ~    Biological Needs<br> ~    Food when hungry<br> ~    Shelter/Physical comfort<br> ~    Protection from overstimulation<br> ~    Sleep when sleepy<br> ~    Contact<br> ~    Safety<br> ~    Consistent presence vs. Abandonment (no object permanence)<br> ~    Startle / loud noises / pain</p> <p>Erickson's Stages Psychosocial Development: Trust Needs Will Be Met<br> Success<br> ~    Ability to interpret, trust and act on own feelings (self-confidence)<br> ~    Belief that others will help fulfil needs (hope)<br> ~    Self reliance<br> ~    Comfortable with attention<br> ~    Ability to be “alone”<br> ~    Contentment</p> <p>Failure<br> ~    Inability to trust own instincts/urges/feelings<br> ~    Reliance on others to tell them what they need<br> ~    Inability to trust others will be supportive<br> ~    Discomfort with and craving of attention (Abandonment fears)<br> ~    Irritability/anxiety</p> <p>Piaget– Cognitive Development<br> ~    Piaget (Cognition/schema formation)<br> ~    Sensorimotor:<br> ~    Children do not yet have object permanence<br> ~    Children do not yet have much of a frame of reference so they rely on parental feedback<br> ~    Schemas formed during this time rely heavily on<br> ~    Were needs adequately met (empowered vs. powerless)<br> ~    Parental reaction (stress-level/attentiveness/consistency)</p> <p>John Bowlby–Attachment<br> ~    Securely-Attached Infants<br> ~    Easily soothed by the attachment figure when upset.<br> ~    Caregiver is sensitive to their signals, and responds appropriately to their needs.<br> ~    Insecure-Avoidant Infants<br> ~    Very independent of the attachment figure both physically and emotionally<br> ~    Do not seek contact with the attachment figure when distressed.<br> ~    These caregivers are insensitive and rejecting of their needs and are often unavailable during times of emotional distress.</p> <p>John Bowlby–Attachment<br> ~    Insecure-Ambivalent children<br> ~    Exhibit clingy and dependent behavior, but are rejecting of the attachment figure when they engage in interaction.<br> ~    The child fails to develop any feelings of security from the attachment figure.<br> ~    Exhibit difficulty moving away from the attachment figure to explore novel surroundings.<br> ~    When distressed they are difficult to soothe and are not comforted by interaction with the attachment figure.<br> ~    This behavior results from an inconsistent level of response to their needs from the primary caregiver.</p> <p>Mindful Parenting<br> ~    Be attentive to the baby’s cries and cues before they become hysterical<br> ~    Accept the baby’s needs as they are/Validating environment<br> ~    Be consistent<br> ~    Calm yourself<br> ~    Stressed parent  stressed baby<br> ~    Calm parent  calm-able baby<br> ~    Keep a routine to help set baby’s circadian rhythms<br> ~    Feeding<br> ~    Sleeping<br> ~    View the world from ba</p>