086 -Child Development 101: The Toddler

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: <p>Child Development 101:<br> The Toddler<br> Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes<br> Executive Director, AllCEUs</p> <p>Continuing Education (CE) credits can be earned for this presentation at  <a href="https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/613/c/">https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/613/c/</a></p> <p>Objectives<br> ~    Examine how the child is starting to develop self esteem through initiative and independence<br> ~    Explore what can go wrong in each stage and what can be done to repair damages now.<br> Maslow<br> ~    In addition to biological and safety needs…<br> ~    The toddler is now developing<br> ~    Self-Esteem<br> ~    I am lovable for who I am<br> ~    I am loveable even when I make a mistake<br> ~    Self-Efficacy<br> ~    I am capable of trying new things<br> ~    If I make a mistake, my caregiver is there to help me<br> Psychosocial Development<br> Will: Autonomy vs. Shame &amp; Doubt (Toddlers, 2 to 3 years) “Can I do things myself or am I reliant on others?”<br> ~    Interferences<br> ~    Overly permissive or overly strict parents<br> ~    Lack of praise for exploration and experimentation<br> ~    Manifestations<br> ~    Low self-esteem/need for external validation<br> ~    Lack of motivation<br> ~    Establishment/Re-Establishment<br> ~    Encourage child/yourself to explore and experiment<br> ~    Praise child/yourself for trying even if he fails<br> ~    Reassure child/yourself that he/she is loved as it</p> <p>Psychosocial Development cont…<br> Purpose: Initiative vs. Guilt (Preschool, 4 to 6 years)<br> Children begin asserting control and power<br> ~    Interferences<br> ~    Overly strict/enmeshed parents<br> ~    Lack of encouragement to take risks<br> ~    Manifestations<br> ~    Low self-esteem/need for external validation<br> ~    Difficulty making or maintaining friends<br> ~    Unclear what he likes, wants, feels<br> ~    Guilt for having own needs</p> <p>Psychosocial Development cont…<br> Purpose: Initiative vs. Guilt (Preschool, 4 to 6 years)<br> Children begin asserting control and power<br> ~    Establishment<br> ~    Explore and experiment<br> ~    Praise child for trying even if he fails<br> ~    Reassure child that you love him for who he is<br> ~    Encourage children to develop friendships with a variety of people<br> ~    Re-Establishment<br> ~    Explore and experiment<br> ~    Praise yourself even if you don’t succeed<br> ~    Remind yourself why you are lovable for who you are<br> ~    Develop effective goal setting skills</p> <p>Piaget<br> ~    2-6 years early childhood (Preoperational)<br> ~    Preschoolers live in a magical world where inanimate objects are alive (animism) and dreams are real.<br> ~    Parenting challenge:<br> ~    Truth vs. Fiction<br> ~    Creativity vs. Reality<br> ~    They have trouble distinguishing between appearances and reality.<br> ~    Parenting challenge<br> ~    Safe vs. Danger<br> ~    Truth vs. Fiction</p> <p>Piaget<br> ~    Children of this age typically love to play make-believe.<br> ~    Parenting challenge<br> ~    Finding your make believe<br> ~    Understanding what they are communicating through their play</p> <p>Piaget<br> ~    They focus on one aspect of a situation (centration) and struggle to see other vantage points (egocentrism)<br> ~     Parenting challenge<br> ~    Finding their voice vs. Being a bully<br> ~    Helping them learn to make good choices<br> ~    Accepting their part vs. Taking total responsibility<br> ~    Accepting that everything isn’t necessarily their fault or doing<br> ~    Interventions<br> ~    Effective communication skills<br> ~    Explore the notion of responsibility<br> ~    Explore all aspects of a situation including other vantage points</p> <p>Early Childhood cont…<br> ~    They often have difficulty putting into wor</p>