089 -Child Development 101: The Elementary Years

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: <p>Child Development 101:<br> The Elementary Years<br> Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes<br> Executive Director, AllCEUs</p> <p>Continuing Education (CE) credits can be earned for this presentation at<a href="https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/search?q=child+development">  </a><a href="https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/613/c/">https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/613/c</a>/</p> <p>Objectives<br> ~Review developmental tasks children accomplish at this stage<br> ~Examine how children’s thinking patterns are different than that of both toddlers and adolescents<br> ~Explore ways to assist children in enhancing their self esteem<br> Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development<br> ~Ages 4-7 Intuitive thought substage<br> ~Children are beginning to be able to evaluate things on more than one characteristic<br> ~Cats, Dogs, Animals<br> ~Math, Reading, School<br> ~Able to use inductive reasoning, drawing general conclusions from personal experiences and specific facts<br> Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development</p> <p>~Ages 7-11<br> ~Concrete operational<br> ~Abstract and hypothetical thinking is not yet developed<br> ~If I do this, what are the potential results…<br> ~Parenting: Help child write down options and discuss reasoning<br> ~Re-Parenting<br> ~Chaotic environments may have made it difficult to predict outcomes<br> ~Rule out Fetal Alcohol Spectrum<br> ~Emotional dysregulation interfere with decision making  Teach distress tolerance and emotional regulation skills<br> ~Develop reasoning and goal setting skills<br> Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development<br> ~Ages 7-11<br> ~Concrete operational<br> ~Struggle with DEductive reasoning, or using a general principle to predict an event<br> ~Again, chaotic environments interfere causing child to perceive the world as an unpredictable and threatening place<br> ~Can also reinforce dichotomous thinking…every time I….<br> ~Parenting/ Re-Parenting<br> ~Embrace the concept of in general, but not always<br> ~Rule out FAS<br> ~If something does not conform to the principle, talk about what happened and revise the principle</p> <p>Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development</p> <p>~Ages 7-11<br> ~Concrete operational<br> ~Starting to be able to see (albeit not necessarily agree with) other people’s perspectives<br> ~Parenting/Re-parenting<br> ~Encourage perspective taking<br> ~Identify three explanations</p> <p>Irrational Thoughts and Cognitive Distortions<br> ~Think of Examples for Children and Adults<br> ~All or Nothing Thinking (Dichotomous)<br> ~Overgeneralization (Ineffective hypothesizing/inductive or deductive reasoning)<br> ~Mental Filter (Focusing on only one aspect (centration))<br> ~Emotional Reasoning (Inductive reasoning error)<br> ~Should’s (Centration)<br> ~Labeling with global, internal, stable attributions<br> ~Personalization<br> ~Blame<br> Maslow</p> <p>~Biological Needs –Preventing Vulnerabilities<br> ~Sleep<br> ~Developing an effective, independent sleep routine<br> ~Nutrition<br> ~Building blocks for healthy body and brain<br> ~Mindfulness of eating for hunger and attending to nutritional cravings (dehydration, iron, calcium etc…)<br> ~Awareness of the impact of stimulants and sugar<br> ~Sunlight<br> ~Sets circadian rhythms<br> ~Vitamin D</p> <p>Maslow</p> <p>~Biological Needs<br> ~Medical care<br> ~Exercise<br> ~Stress relief<br> ~Self-esteem “I did that”<br> ~Raise serotonin levels<br> ~Develop healthy movement habits</p> <p>Maslow</p> <p>~Safety (External and Internal)<br> ~From physical harm<br> ~Reduce trauma from low grade-chronic stress<br> ~Home stress<br> ~Media<br> ~Bullying<br> ~Drugs/Alcohol<br> ~From emotional abuse from others<br> ~Bullying<br> ~Critical others<br> ~Re-parenting— Address hypervigilance to verbal and nonverbal behavior</p> <p>Maslow</p> <p>~Safety (Exte</p>