Cognitive Distortions – Understanding and Addressing Them

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: <p>Cognitive Distortions: Understanding and Addressing Them<br> Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes<br> Executive Director, AllCEUs</p> <p>A direct link to the CEU course is</p> <p>Objectives<br> ~    Define Thinking Errors<br> ~    Explore the different types of thinking errors<br> ~    Cognitive distortions<br> ~    Irrational Thoughts<br> ~    Evaluate how thinking errors can play into our basic fears: Rejection, isolation, the unknown, loss of control, failure<br> ~    Identify ways to<br> ~    Increase awareness of thinking errors<br> ~    Address thinking errors<br> ~    Address basic fears</p> <p>Why I Care/How It Impacts Recovery<br> ~    Thinking errors, or stinkin’ thinkin’ plays a large part in keeping people miserable<br> ~    Addiction, depression, anxiety, anger and guilt often stem or are made worse by faulty thinking<br> ~    Addressing these thought patterns will help clients:<br> ~    Not make a mountain out of a molehill<br> ~    Focus on the things they can change<br> ~    Identify and eliminate thought patterns that are keeping them stuck<br> What are Thinking Errors<br> ~    Cognitive Distortions take a thought and manipulate it to<br> ~    Fulfil people’s expectations of a situation<br> ~    Conform to their current head space (negative sees negative)<br> ~    Irrational Thoughts are beliefs/thoughts that you may hold that<br> ~    Are usually extreme (I must have love and approval from everyone all the time)<br> ~    Are unrealistic<br> ~    Create feelings of failure, inadequacy, disempowerment</p> <p>Causes of Thinking Errors<br> ~    Information-processing shortcuts<br> ~    Using outdated, dichotomous schemas<br> ~    Mental noise<br> ~    The brain's limited information processing capacity<br> ~    Age<br> ~    Crisis<br> Causes of Thinking Errors<br> ~    Emotional causes<br> ~    I feel bad, therefore it must be bad<br> ~    Moral causes<br> ~    It was the right thing to do<br> ~    Social causes<br> ~    Everyone is doing it<br> Impact of Thinking Errors (Fight or Flee)<br> ~    Emotional upset<br> ~    Depression<br> ~    Anxiety<br> ~    Behavioral<br> ~    Withdrawal<br> ~    Addictions<br> ~    Sleep problems/changes<br> ~    Eating changes</p> <p>~    Physical<br> ~    Stress-related illnesses<br> ~    Headaches<br> ~    GI Distress<br> ~    Social<br> ~    Irritability/impatience<br> ~    Withdrawal</p> <p>Thinking Errors &amp; Interventions<br> ~    Emotional Reasoning –Feelings are not facts<br> ~    Learn to effectively identify feelings and separate facts<br> ~    I am terrified<br> ~    About what are you terrified?<br> ~    What is the evidence that you are in danger now?<br> ~    In what ways is this similar to other situations?<br> ~    How have you dealt with those situations?<br> ~    Develop distress tolerance skills<br> ~    Develop emotional regulation skills</p> <p>Thinking Errors &amp; Interventions<br> ~    Cognitive Bias/Negativity/Mental Filter– Focus on the negatives and worry about the future<br> ~    Questions<br> ~    What is the benefit to focusing on the negative?<br> ~    What are the positives to this situation?<br> ~    What are all the facts?<br> ~    Coin toss activity</p> <p>Thinking Errors &amp; Interventions<br> ~    Disqualifying or minimizing the positive<br> ~    Questions<br> ~    Would you minimize this if it was your best friend’s experience?<br> ~    What is scary about accepting the positive?<br> ~    Sometimes we disqualify the positive because it fails to meet someone else’s standards, might that be true here?<br> ~    Availability Heuristic: Remembering what is most prominent in your mind<br> ~    Questions<br> ~    What are the facts</p> <p>Thinking Errors &amp; Interventions<br> ~    Egocentrism– My perspective is the only perspecti</p>