America's Problem: It's Too White

Informed America Radio show

Summary: While the country is distracted by foolishness, Obama and his apparatchiks have been busily working behind the scenes to change the demographics of this country. The latest is their new program to fly children, after a request from an "eligible parent, and at U.S. government expense, in from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, and grant them (1) refugee status, which means they are eligible for welfare, free medical care and other goodies courtesy of U.S. taxpayers and (2) allow them to bring in their other parent, as well as any children they have. Cadaverous sleazeball Harry Reid has done ten times as much corrupt crap as Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), but he's never been indicted. Menendez' indictment comes right after he came out against Obama's plan to help Iran get a nuke. Coincidence? Politicians compete for idiot prize in second week of Religious Freedom Restoration Act.