Obama to Open Floodgates to Syrian "Refugees"

Informed America Radio show

Summary: Get ready. Democrats get ready to guilt us into admitting Syrian “refugees” that present threat to national security, using the Pope’s visit as an excuse. In this episode, you’ll learn: About the Obama Regime’s plans to admit AT LEAST 10,000 Syrian refugees, 98% of whom are Muslims, into the U.S. How Democrats in Congress plan to use the Pope’s visit to guilt us into resettling Syrian Muslims in our country What happened when Sweden open the floodgates to “refugees” from the Middle East (it ain’t pretty) About how Obama’s breathtaking foreign policy failures lead to the “crisis” in the Middle East (A very interesting walk down memory lane, featuring Fareed Zacharia, who called Obama’s Syria policy a case study in foreign policy incompetence and David Gergen) Why Obama says his Syria “red line” was not violated again in May 2015 That Obama lied back in May when he said Syria’s Bashar Assad gave up all his chemical weapons (and all the other times that he says it) What Donald Trump said when the ladies at ABC’s socialist hen party asked him if he was a Democrat or Republican, which you may find disturbing - See more at: http://teriobrien.com/obama-plans-to-open-flood-gates-to-syrian-refugees-show-notes-the-teri-obrien-show-9-13-15/#sthash.t2AkLnp1.dpuf