Zend_Navigation – creating a menu, a sitemap and breadcrumbs

Zend Screencasts: Video Tutorials about the Zend PHP Framework  (iphone) show

Summary: <p>This tutorial covers a lot of the basic use cases with Zend_Navigation. Using a uri-based navigation.xml file, we generate a very simple menu system as well as a breadcrumb with some basic information. In the last 3 minutes I cover how to get a Google compliant sitemap from the navigation.xml file. This video is by no means exhaustive, but should get you up and running with Zend_Navigation in the Zend Framework.</p> <p><a href="http://code.google.com/p/zendcasts/source/browse/#svn/trunk/zc24-zend-navigation-breadcrumbs-sitemap-menu">Browse the code off google code</a> or <a href="http://www.zendcasts.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/zc24-zend-navigation-breadcrumbs-sitemap-menu.zip">download a zip here</a>. </p> <p>On another note, I’m thinking of putting together a forum as a way of organizing some of the informative discussion I’ve found in the comments section. I know other forums exist so I’d be curious to know if you think zendcasts would benefit from such a thing. </p> <p>Alternatively, if you have topics you’d like covered and are willing to step up to the mic, I’d love to share your own screencasts with the now over 550 subscribers!</p>