Video: Why Sports Jobs? It’s Simple…

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: We all search for inspiration, something to act as a beacon in our lives imploring us to follow or come closer. For over 15 years, <a title="Find Thousadns of Sports Jobs and Internships at" href="">working in the sports industry</a> has provided me excitement, passion, pride and fulfillment. This video is my attempt to pay forward all that working in the sports industry has given me.<br> <br> I sincerely hope it acts as an inspiration for you on your path.  If you like the message, and support our passion, please share on social media!<br> Why Work in Sports 2<br> <br> <br> wistiaEmbed = Wistia.embed("r423i4hvd5");<br> <br> <br> Video Transcript for: "Why Sports Jobs? It's Simple..."<br> Brian Clapp, Director of Content: Hi I’m Brian from Work in Sports – before I get too deep into this discussion on why the sports industry is essentially recession proof and therefore always full of career opportunities and growth – I want to make one thing very clear.<br> <br> I am not an economist<br> <br> But that's OK, because  economists and other really smart people have already made the case for me:<br> <br> * Despite negative press after a lockout the <a title="Is the NHL recession proof?" href="" target="_blank">NHL is still filling stadiums</a> to 96.7% capacity<br> * <a title="PwC global sports report" href="" target="_blank">PricewaterhouseCooper</a> expects 4.8% annual growth over the next 5 years, including a 7.7% growth per year in media rights fees and 6.6% annual growth in sponsorships, which may not sound like much, but the US economy is expected to grow at just 2.2% so that is saying something<br> * According to <a title="Zimbalist on Sports Industry" href="" target="_blank">sports economist Andrew Zimbalist</a>, the secret sauce is the long-term media rights deals professional teams have signed, which provide consistent revenue through economic down-cycles helping sports remain resistant to recession<br> * And the magazine <a title="The Economist on Sports and Recession" href="" target="_blank">The Economist</a>, after tje last recession, said "Sports are, by and large, standing up to recession better than most industries"<br> <br> Through good times and bad, people pay to see their heroes in action. Always have, always will – because sports are an escape from the everyday - an outlet for human competitiveness and aggression that will always have an audience.<br> <br> <br> <br> The simple fact is, as long as fans continue to put their butts in the seats, buy t-shirts and hats, watch games on television and read sports blogs –<br> <br> * There will be a need for sports jobs <a title="Sports Sales Jobs from" href="">in tickets sales</a> –<br> * At <a title="Sports Media &amp; Broadcasting Jobs from WorkinSports" href="">sports networks broadcasting</a> and talking about the games<br> * For <a title="Sports Marketing Jobs from" href="">sports marketers </a>crafting new sponsorship deals,<br> * <a title="Publicity Jobs from Work in Sports" href="">Publicists</a> improving the visibility of athletes<br> * Agents passing dollars into their pockets<br> * And <a title="Operations Jobs and Internships From" href=""></a>