What Sexy Halloween Costume R U? + Harvy Weinstein, Sex And The City, Star Wars, Halloween, Harvey Weinstein, Justice League, Bladerunner

The RichyRich and Westopher Show show

Summary: UP FRONT: Special guest Michael Varriti. CELEBRITY SHADE: Kim Cattrall says go on without me. Harvey Weinstein is a perv. Little Richard isn't gay! Bladerunner fails. NERD NEWS: Star Wars Trailer. Punisher panel canceled at NYCCC. Rick and Morty fans are violent assholes. Wonder Woman and the other guys, latest Justice League trailer. Gal Gadot never had a Resses cup. Gal on SNL. Fanatics hate Marston and the Wonder Women bc lesbians. New Halloween will pick up after the original, as though no sequels ever happened. HALLOWEEN TOPIC: Fave scary movie!?