Father Knows Best – Arizona Ranch Inheritance. ep67, 510201

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Getting something for nothing can be a mixed blessing. Jim gets frustrated when some free land is refused by the company he works for, why don’t they want to develop it. His mood isn’t helped when the rest of the family is so happy. Betty has a new boyfriend, Bud’s ball team is winning, and Cathy was elected treasurer of her club. The Little Vultures. <br> When word comes to Jim that he is to receive an inheritance, does he even know the relative? Would a $9 million ranch with 15K acres change Jim’s mood?<br><br> Subtle changes begin creeping into the Anderson home. A week has gone by, but Jim is still just a little skeptical about the wealth left to him by cousin Joe. What does he or Margret know about the cattle business? <br> The money has begun to ruin the social lives of the kids. Would being poor again solve all the family’s troubles? Sure enough the land is not only worth less than thought, there’s a tax bill to go with it. <br>