Episode 42 Kody & Kayla Key - Couples that CrossFit together Ep. 2

Building Better People show

Summary: We have another couple on the podcast today. Kody was actually one of my personal training clients back in the day (2007) when I was at the Aggieland Fitness Dome. He has since married Kayla and they have a son named Colton. Kody joined CSCF in May of 2016 and Kayla joined in November 2016. They share how the dynamic was with one person doing crossfit and the other one wasn't. Kayla was doing classes at the Dome and felt like she was getting good workouts until she attended her first crossfit class :) She shares about the difference between crossfit and what she was doing before. They have both seen major results and they share these on the podcast. You will be inspired by their story, enjoy!