Burns and Allen – Expecting a Baby. 421110

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Live from Camp Elliot.<br><br> The Beverly Hills Uplifter Society is doing their best to do work to help the war effort. What are they doing constructively to help? One thing they decide to do is swap chores for each other. For example, babysit. When Gracie tells George she has a baby o the way, misunderstanding sets in. Even Bill Goodwin’s sales pitch for the sponsor is derailed when a slowburn makes it clear that’s nearly as surprised as George is. When is the baby due? Two hours?<br> Jimmy Cash sings, Starlight Sonnata. Gracie is confused over all the pampering Geore is showering on her. All this for just one baby? Wat if she decided to have 3 or 4… all at once? Bobby arrives, and shoots down imaginary enemies with imaginary machine guns. George gets his rude awakening that Bobby is there just for a babysitting session. <br> Paul Whiteman backs them, as the Six Hits and a Miss sing, Mr Five by Five. George is getting fedd up with playing with Bobby, so Gracie tells him a fairy tale. Her mixed up version of Goldilocks blends several of the old stories together.<br><br> Bill tries to cheer George up, and recommends using psychology on the tyke. How’s it working on the little chum? Pretty good until Bill slides into the sponsor message. <br> How will Bobby take it when Hermanthe the duck arrivesFor that matter, how will Herman handle Bobby? Will a little girl be any better to babysit? <br> Note: Walter Tetley is Bobby. <br>