Lum and Abner – Apology Note Becomes Incriminating Evidence. 431206

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Lum has to explain the legal case against them to Abner. How will the come up with the thousand dollars Squire demands? According to Doc Miller, he couldn’t find anything wrong. Abner gets confused over having a spine running up and down his back. <br> The gents suspect he faked the fall. Should Abner give him a call and confront Squire? Lum doesn’t see it as a good idea, but maybe using a little psycho-ology on him will work. Now its Abner’s turn to be doubtful. <br> Squire agrees to come over, but what does Lum plan to ask him about? Should they settle out of court? Offer to cover his bills? Will Abner lose his temper, and fly off the handle with Squire? Will Squire let the gents make right, or settle for… lets say… a partnership; in the theater? Squire shows how their letter incriminates them.<br>