Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber Cant Find His Hip Boots. ep410, 441010

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Fibber digs through the hall closet, but can Molly help find his hip boots? He finds plenty of other props to comment about as he tosses each aside. Alice Darling is back, but Fibber takes offense at being called pop. What are the young fellows saying about old Fibber these days? Can Alice relate to the thrill Fibber feels over fly fishing? Billy Mills plays, The Continental. <br> The search leads to poor use of grammar, and a phone call to Mirt the operator. Though her uncle is a tank commander, it’s not what Fibber makes it sound like. the call to Harlowe Wilcox ends with him making his entrance to pitch the sponsor product. <br> Molly steps out, just in time for visit from Teeny. What does she know about hip boots? She’s more interested in the Texas strangers. Might his rubber boots have been sacrificed in a scrap drive? The Kingsmen sing, The Three Caballeros. <br> The house is a wreck after a day of searching.<br><br> Will it do any good to empty drawers, or look behind the desk? Doc Gamble arrives, and the colorful name calling begins. When the topic of fishing tips arises, tempers calm down. With Beulah on hand, will she know anything about hip boots? <br>