EP: 054 – Recording from a music cultural angle, opening Jackpot! Recording Studio, and founding Tape Op magazine with Larry Crane

The Modern Recordist with Jon Stinson | Inspiring insights with creative visionaries, artists, songwriters, and producers show

Summary: <br> <br> Welcome to the relaunch of The Modern Recordist! It's the first episode of the podcast in over a year, and we couldn't be more excited!<br> <br> This episode features guest Larry Crane-a producer, recording engineer, mixing engineer, owner of <a href="http://jackpotrecording.com/">Jackpot! Recording Studio</a>, educator, and founder and editor of <a href="http://www.tapeop.com/">Tape Op Magazine</a>. Some of the artists Larry has worked with include, Elliot Smith, M. Ward, The Decemberists, Cat Power, and Death Cab for Cutie, among many others.<br> <br> Host Jon Stinson couldn't have been more excited to have Larry on as a guest, as his philosophies on making records, as well as his aesthetic tastes presented throughout Tape Op, have inspired Jon in his own work as an artist and engineer.<br> <br> On this episode Jon and Larry talk about how Larry got started as a recording engineer, his early days playing in bands, and how Nirvana OPENED for his band Vomit Launch!<br> <br> They also talk about:<br> • How Larry started Tape Op, and how he approaches the content from a music cultural angle, as opposed to the typical audio engineering angle<br> • The book, "Are We Still Rolling" by Phil Brown<br> • How Jackpot Recording came to be, and how Larry built the success of the studio before he opened it<br> • What the Portland, OR music scene is like, and how it's changed over the years<br> • How it's important to focus on the artistry and music when making a record, and that the gear should just support that<br> • Larry's recording workshops, and his approach to teaching audio engineering<br> • Larry's online courses, and where learning online can typically go wrong<br> <br> "Records don't have to have a lot of production to be timeless" --Larry Crane<br> <br> As you can tell, this episode was super packed, with tons of inspiring stories and incredible insights on recording, and music making. We're proud of this one, and super excited for everyone to hear it. Larry's style couldn't be a better fit for The Modern Recordist.<br> <br> To learn more about Larry, his work, Tape Op Magazine, Larry's online courses, and his live workshops, make sure you hit these links:<br> <br> <a href="http://jackpotrecording.com/">Jackpot! Recording Studio</a><br> <a href="http://www.tapeop.com/">Tape Op</a><br> <a href="https://www.lynda.com/Larry-Crane/1873217-1.html">Larry's Lynda Audio Engineering Courses on Lynda.com</a><br> <a href="http://larry-crane.com/">http://larry-crane.com</a><br> <br> //<br> <br> As mentioned this episode serves as the relaunch of The Modern Recordist podcast. In addition to it being the first episode we've put out in over a year, we also have taken the opportunity to upgrade the vibe of the show a bit, particularly with a brand new website we're pretty proud of:<br> <br> <a href="http://modernrecordist.com/">http://modernrecordist.com</a><br> <br> Make sure you hit that link and jump over to our all new website. While there, make sure you enter your email address into any of the forms around the site. This way, we will make sure you never miss an episode of The Modern Recordist!<br> <br> Alright, friends! There you have it! The relaunch of the podcast all about designing and living life as an extraordinary artistic visionary. We've got a whole bunch of brand new episodes coming to you through the end of 2017, with great guests sharing more inspiring stories and insights on making and recording music.<br> <br> Make sure you get subscribed to The Modern Recordist on iTunes, and get signed up to the email list on our new website, so you don't miss any of it!