Episode 197: Can You Legislate Away Evil? The Las Vegas Shooting

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less show

Summary: In the wake of another mass shooting, the country is again looking at itself and deciding what needs to be done. Can a law be passed that would have prevented this? Should we get more seriously restrictive of gun ownership, or, as some high profile people have suggested, repeal and replace the Second Amendment?<br> I’ll look at some of the pat explanations being offered, and I’ll show how none of the really fit this situation.<br> Or maybe there’s a moral component to this that so many people would rather ignore. The gun homicide rate has been falling since 1993, but mass shootings seem to be on the rise. Perhaps it’s not a matter for Congress, because they can’t pass a law against the existence of evil. Where do we turn?<br> Mentioned links:<br> <a href="https://www.yahoo.com/news/attack-strikes-country-music-bastion-us-traditionalism-170236972.html">Attack strikes country music, bastion of US traditionalism</a><br> <a href="https://gun.laws.com/automatic">Automatic Gun Laws</a><br> <a href="http://www.weeklystandard.com/did-las-vegas-shooter-stephen-paddock-use-a-fully-automatic-rifle/article/2009907">Did Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Use a Fully Automatic Rifle?</a><br> <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/16/world/europe/attack-nice-bastille-day.html">France Says Truck Attacker Was Tunisia Native With Record of Petty Crime</a><br> <a href="http://www.dailywire.com/news/21868/las-vegas-death-toll-happens-monthly-gun-free-joseph-curl">GUN CONTROL? The Las Vegas Death Toll Happens Every MONTH In Chicago</a><br> <a href="https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/bump-stock-device-received-atf-green-light-during-obama-administration">Bump-Stock Device Received ATF Green Light During Obama Administration</a><br> <br> Show transcript<br> On the night of Sunday, October 1st, 59 people were killed and over 500 injured as an evil man shot up an outdoor country music concert in Las Vegas, Nevada. At the time I prepared this episode, no motive was known for the shooting.<br> I use the word “evil” specifically. I liked Ben Shapiro’s take on this. He said that an earthquake or a hurricane causing devastation is a tragedy, but a person who has free will doing that is simply evil. The deaths are tragic in both cases, but the act itself, when perpetrated by a person, is evil.<br> And before we decide how to act based on the event, we absolutely need to understand that. It’s in the heart of every man and woman, and has been since the beginning. Some would suggest that people are born good and they learn evil. Well, if that’s true, I have to ask why it’s so easy to learn, and why there are so many teachers. If it was so innate in us, you’d think that history would look very different than it does.<br> The musician Yanni said this at the end of his live concert at the Acropolis, “[E]verything great that has ever happened to humanity since the beginning, has begun as a single thought in someone’s mind and if anyone of us is capable of such a great thought then all of us have the same capacity, capability, because we are all the same.” He got a big applause for that, but I have to observe that, if we’re all the same, then every evil thing that has ever happened to humanity can be described the same way. If we can all be a Martin Luther King, then we can all be a Joseph Stalin. It seems that these feel-good philosophies have a tough time with mankind as it has been shown to be. History is not forgiving of that sort of thinking.<br> So then, what of this shooter? To hear his brother tell it, he had no religious or political axe to grind, in spite of ISIS trying to claim credit for this. There was no history of mental illness, nor were there run-ins with the police to speak of. As far as we can tell at this moment in time, there’s very little to lump him in with the “usual suspects”. Before you blame the NRA or pro-gun Republicans, or Texans, or mental illness,