Great Gildersleeve – Jolly Boys Club. ep138, 441008

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Birdie sings as she gets breakfast ready. She tells about the movie she saw that featured Bing Crosby. In dealing with troubles from Marjorie and Leroy, Gildy discovers a not from Miss Goodwin about some behavior problems. Maybe something disciplined, like a choir would snap the boy into shape? The boys don’t think it’s as fun as playing football though, and ignore the great man. <br> In Peavey’s drugstore, Leroy and his friends argue which comic book is the best. Chasing the kids away, Peavey listens to the proposal Gildy and judge Hooker set forth. A new club is forming, and will meet later in the room above Floyd’s barber shop. Still, no boys are interested, despite refreshments, board games, and music. <br> Nobody is interested in all the dandy fun, except for the grownups. What’s the matter with boys these days? A makeshift barbershop group is formed, and the adults comandiere the club for themselves. The Jolly Boys Social Club is born. Just for men. No boys or women, or they’ll get kicked out. <br>