Our Miss Brooks – Radio Bombay. ep100, 501008

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Weather related cliches are batted around as Connie and Mrs Davis enjoy breakfast. On the soggy ride to school, Miss Brooks learns about Walter’s science project, a home made radio receiver. Picking up Harriet Conklin, we find her dad staying home to await a delivery of bamboo furniture.<br> The romance of the rainy day is lost on the scientifically minded, bashful biology teacher, Mr Boynton. Finding herself as acting principal in the absence of Mr Conklin, and informed of a weather report of an approaching hurricane, Connie Brooks has to make a decision.<br> Mistaking the report over Walter’s radio for a local one, and not from Bombay, Connie takes drastic measures. School is closed. Students sent home. Connie is determined to go down with the ship… make that the school. Shouldn’t she report to Mr Conklin? What comic misadventure will the new bamboo furniture play in the hilarity? Imagine the uh-oh moment when they realize the real source of the long range broadcast.<br> Note: Though this episode has been broadcast before, this re-used script and performance is topped only by the nice quality of the audio.<br> <br>