Episode 5: A container big enough to hold us

Kaddish show

Summary: Naomi Leapheart and Christa Craven discuss queer reproductive loss in episode 5. They weave the body and spirit into our imaginings of what reproductive loss is- something that happens to queer bodies, and in queer families. If you want to share your story of reproductive loss with the Kaddish community, you can call 240-KAD-DISH and for a listener episode. We’re fundraising!! Kaddishpodcast.com or bit.ly/kaddishpodcast to go there directly. Offering tinctures to ease grief, stickers, benshcers (zines) and our eternal gratitude! Thank you so much to: Naomi Christine Leapheart Crista Craven Carrie Preston Jei-Jei Tan Tiny Victor, for the music Chelsea Noriega Cyd Weissman The Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford Produced by Alex Stern