Could Your Retirement Account Get Hacked

Millennial Money show

Summary: We’re all fully aware of the Equifax debacle where millions and millions of people’s information has potentially been exposed to hackers. We’ve also heard of breaches at places like Target and Sonic. Most of us aren’t thinking that our retirement and brokerage accounts are actually primed and ready for hackers – but they are – and you need to be prepared.<br> <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-2363"><br><br> </a><br> On This Podcast Episode:<br> The answer is yes – your retirement and brokerage accounts can get hacked. Reason number  3 million 52 as to why you need to stay on top of your money, at least every month, to make sure you haven’t been breached.<br> We’ll chat about what you need to know to keep your accounts safe and some steps you should take in case you are hacked to make sure you can get the money put back into your account…because there aren’t laws around that.<br> Links Mentioned:<br> <br> * <a href="">Vanguard Online Fraud Policy</a><br> * <a href="">SEC Investor Fraud Account Info</a><br> <br> Thanks for Tuning In:<br> Thanks for tuning in to listen to this episode of <a href="">Millennial Money</a>. If you have any comments or questions about today’s episode, please let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media.<br> Also, <a href="">please leave an honest review for Millennial Money on iTunes</a>! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and much appreciated! You’re awesome!<br> Want More:<br> <br> * Shannah on <a href="">Twitter</a><br> * Shannah on <a href="">Instagram</a><br> * Jeff on <a href="">Twitter</a><br> * Jeff on <a href="">Instagram</a><br> <br> Disclosure:<br> The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investment(s) and financial strategies may be appropriate for you, consult your financial adviser prior to investing. There is no assurance that the techniques and strategies discussed are suitable for all investors or will yield positive outcomes.<br>  <br>  <br>