Lights Out – Sakhalin. ep39, 370303

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A tyrant, and commandant of what amounts to an island prison, enjoys the life of comfort and ease. He talks with Marina about the possibility of being replaced soon, and having to give up his reign over the prisoners who act as his personal servants. Yacov is not looking forward to losing his cushy position to return to the mundane life in the bureaucracy at large. <br> A ship sails his way, but an accident… that happened on purpose… causes it to sink. Lifeboats are manned, but all aboard are said to have gone down with the ship. Is the commandant still safe in his position? Apparently not, when his successor has swam the distance from the open sea, quite well, and invigorated. <br> The subtle power struggle continues as pretenses are made to show the newcomer around. How far will Yacov go to ensure his position is secure? Might his best laid plans back fire on him in this island power struggle? <br>