Dueling Dialogues Ep. 16

Dueling Dialogues show

Summary: Breaking News: 7.1 Earthquake in Mexico, Jake Lamotta has died at age 95. Hurricane Maria makes landfall in Porto Rico. Florida's population has grown by 12 million people in the last decade. California suing to stop Trump's Wall.The Oregon Territory and brief history of the west coast. On Today's show. Leakers are backstabbers. Song by the OJ's Backstabbers. Working for Government, Leakers are Backstabbers, which is treason. Is it Obama, Comey, or Rice? Judicial Watch's Tom Fenton says Comey leaked government info unlawfully. Freedom of Info request was denied. Susan Rice sent docs to Obama Library to be kept closed for 5 years under Presidential Records act. Trump complains Trump Tower had been wiretapped. Judge Andrew Napolitano from Fox News gets suspended. Trump former campaign manager Paul J. Manifort's home gets raided for documents of evidence of off-shore accounts. Manifort has a place at Trump Tower which would suggest an opportunity for access. Is there a shadow government in the U.S.? Why aren't the republicans such as John McCain taking down the law breakers? China Trading at 80% with North Korea while the U.S. is fighting with each other. General Kelly in media for making faces during Trump's speech. 01:30 Breaking News: Earthquake in Mexico, Jake Lamatta has died. Hurricane Maria in Porto Rico. California suing to stop Trump's Wall. 05:50 On Today's show. Leakers are backstabbers. Song by the OJ's Backstabbers. Working for Government, Leakers are Backstabbers, which is treason. Is it Obama, Comey, or Rice? 10:50 Judicial Watch's Tom Fenton says Comey leaked government info unlawfully. Freedom of Info request was denied. Susan Rice sent docs to Obama Library to be kept closed for 5 years under Presidential Records act. 14:20 Trump complains Trump Tower had been wiretapped. Judge Andrew Napolitano from Fox News gets suspended. Trump former campaign manager Paul J. Manifort's home gets raided for documents of evidence of off-shore accounts. Manifort has a place at Trump Tower which would suggest an opportunity for access. 19:10 Is there a shadow government in the U.S.? Why aren't the republicans such as John McCain taking down the law breakers? 24:30 China Trading at 80% with North Korea while the U.S. is fighting with each other. 26:30 General Kelly in media for making faces during Trump's speech. Democrats are furious for taunting Kim Jong Un. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/763/dueling-dialogues-podcast-ep-16/