010 The Most Productive Smartphone – ProductivityCast

ProductivityCast show

Summary: And, the gloves come off! In this episode, the ProductivityCast gang dukes out the merits of a productive smartphone. We discuss the specific models we use, customization, productivity app selection, ease of use / intuitiveness, form factor, customer / technical support, and how to be most productive on your smartphone.<br> <br> Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening!<br> <br> If you'd like to discuss this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post).<br> <br> In this Cast<br> <br> Ray Sidney-Smith<br> <br> Augusto Pinaud<br> <br> Francis Wade<br> <br> Art Gelwicks<br> <br> Show Notes<br> <br> Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context.<br> <br> Handspring<br> <br> PalmPilot<br> <br> #iPadOnly by Augusto Pinaud<br> <br> Appification<br> <br> Microsoft Office Professional<br> <br> Quantified Self<br> <br> Huawei Watch<br> <br> AndroidWear<br> <br> Instant (Android/iOS)<br> <br> Android Support<br> <br> Apple Genius Bar<br> <br> Raw Text Transcript<br> <br> Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases.<br> <br> 0:00:00.030,0:00:04.080<br> are you ready to manage your work and<br> <br> 0:00:02.100,0:00:05.910<br> personal world better to live a more<br> <br> 0:00:04.080,0:00:06.750<br> fulfilling productive life then you've<br> <br> 0:00:05.910,0:00:09.660<br> come to the right place<br> <br> 0:00:06.750,0:00:12.360<br> welcome to productivity cast the weekly<br> <br> 0:00:09.660,0:00:14.790<br> show about all things productivity here<br> <br> 0:00:12.360,0:00:18.660<br> are your hosts Ray Sidney-Smith and<br> <br> 0:00:14.790,0:00:21.449<br> Augusto Pinaud welcome back everybody to<br> <br> 0:00:18.660,0:00:24.029<br> productivity cast episode 10 I wish had<br> <br> 0:00:21.449,0:00:26.849<br> a kazoo it's a it's the birthday tenth<br> <br> 0:00:24.029,0:00:28.500<br> episode of productivity cast so thank<br> <br> 0:00:26.849,0:00:30.869<br> you all for listening and thank you for<br> <br> 0:00:28.500,0:00:33.360<br> joining us here today I'm joined with a<br> <br> 0:00:30.869,0:00:36.600<br> gusto pin out my co-host as well as<br> <br> 0:00:33.360,0:00:38.940<br> Francis Wade and Art Gelwicks so we are all<br> <br> 0:00:36.600,0:00:42.739<br> together here today for this episode<br> <br> 0:00:38.940,0:00:46.379<br> let's get into it today we are going to<br> <br> 0:00:42.739,0:00:50.850<br> mostly fight in good good faith and good<br> <br> 0:00:46.379,0:00:53.820<br> effort about smartphone productivity and<br> <br> 0:00:50.850,0:00:57.390<br> and in essence what the best smartphone<br> <br> 0:00:53.820,0:00:59.100<br> is out there to be most productive and I<br> <br> 0:00:57.390,0:01:01.980<br> thought that what we would cover today<br> <br> 0:00:59.100,0:01:05.070<br> was was really the the essence of how we<br> <br> 0:01:01.980,0:01:06.900<br> use our phones to be productive and in<br> <br> 0:01:05.070,0:01:08.520<br> the vein of the mobile productivity<br> <br> 0:01:06.900,0:01:10.890<br> topics that we have had over the last<br> <br> 0:01:08.520,0:01:14.640<br> several episodes I want us to talk about<br> <br> 0:01:10.890,0:01:17.549<br> the pros and cons of the various nomally<br> <br> 0:01:14.640,0:01:20.400<br> hardware put software that we use for<br> <br> 0:01:17.549,0:01:22.820<br> our smart phones so I think it's<br> <br> 0:01:20.400,0:01:27.659<br> probably best for us to go around and<br> <br> 0:01:22.820,0:01:30.509<br>