Summary: You made it my love. I know those eclipses, the lionsgate portal and Mercury retrograde were no easy feat, but you came out victorious. Did you think things were gonna finally settle down after August? Well September is just as powerful of a month as the eclipse energies are still present and ushering in the immense change they were so divinely sent to deliver. They truly flow in to this new month with such grace as September carries a 9 vibration which resonates with endings, completion of cycles, clearing karma, letting go, release, and death and rebirth. The energies of September are extremely important this year as we are in a one year, which resonates with new beginnings. September is here to support us in letting go to the highest degree of all that is no longer serving our body, heart, mind, and soul. It is here to encourage us to stand in our purest love, peace, empowerment, and divinity. In this episode you'll hear more in depth guidance, some insight as to what the energy is behind all of the "natural disasters" currently occurring, and how you can make it through this month with as much ease and grace as possible. May these words ignite your light. highest blessings luminous onex