Preview of CS 031: Black Immigrants And White Supremacy (09/17/2017)

Champagne Sharks show

Summary: This is a preview of a bonus premium episode. Support the show and get double the episodes by subscribing to bonus episodes for $5/month at <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"></a>. Also, remember to review and rate the podcast in Itunes: <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">…d1242690393?mt=2</a>.<br> <br> Today D. Mills (<a href=""></a>) and Mike (<a href=""></a>) join me to discuss a Black immigrant conservative's response to Ta-Nehisi Coate's book Between the World and Me that appeared on the website Commentary and go onto a tangent about the cafe Summerhill that was opened by a tone-deaf gentrifier in Crown Heights.<br> <br> * The Commentary article decrying Ta-Nehisi Coates by Jamaican immigrant Jason D. Hill, "An Open Letter to Ta-Nehisi Coates" <a href=""></a><br> * Some background on Summerhill controversy: "Here’s That Press Release Summerhill Sent About Its Bullet Hole Wall, in Full" <a href=""></a><br> * The Summerhill owner's debacle at the Community Board meeting, including the infamous face palms we describe: "Crown Heights Bar Owner Refuses To Remove 'Bullet Hole' Wall: 'I'm Sorry I Have A Sense Of Humor'" <a href=""></a><br> * An interview with Becca Brennan, owner of Summerhill, after the community board meeting, where she continues to be tone deaf: "<br> * "Hello, Fellow Kids." <a href=""></a><br> * Ta-Nehisi Coates addressing Black-on-Black Crime, "Black People Are Not Ignoring 'Black on Black' Crime" <a href=""></a> and "The Myth of Black-on-Black Crime" <a href=""></a><br> * Kamala Harris's aunt saying that all of Kamala's positive traits came from growing up immersed in Indian culture: "My Niece, the U.S. Senator" <a href=""></a><br> * Other groups who have asked for and gotten reparations that Jason D. Hill conveniently ignores "Obama administration earmarks $12m for Holocaust survivors": <a href=""> </a>and "U.S. Government To Pay $492 Million To 17 American Indian Tribes" <a href="">https://www.timesofisrael.</a>