Intermestic? Domenational? How Trump’s problems at home translate into a global mess.

Deep State Radio show

Summary: Donald Trump ends the DACA program. He tacitly supports white supremacists. He goes after Muslims. He wants a wall. He attacks the courts. He can’t get anything done but can’t stop talking about it. He’s a mess. But he’s not just our mess. When the guy who holds the job of “leader of the free world” cedes the moral high ground, is incompetent, and actively undermines our values and those of our allies, it has a big effect on the way the world works. Has the world reached the point where it has concluded Trump is incapable of global leadership and they are either waiting for his replacement or taking advantage of America’s newfound absence of influence? Is this where we will be for years to come? Our panelists, Rosa Brooks and Colin Kahl of Georgetown and Kori Schake of Stanford, discuss. And hijinx ensue.