TiS 9/16/17 Imperium’s Revenge, the Plot that Killed Circle-of-Two

Talking in Stations show

Summary: Aryth (CSM, Goonswarm) Arrendis (INN editor, Goonswarm) Niden (CZ editor, Snuff) Caleb Ayrania (EVE-Guardian, editor) Dirk MacGirk (Open Comms show, PL) Dunk Dinkle (EVE TV host, Brave Newbies) Tiberius Stargazer (EVE_NT editor, NC.) Matterall (TIS Host, NC.) The Plot to kill alliance C02 The consequences The future of the Impass area Imperium.News senior staffer Matterall, sits down with fellow EVE Online players to discuss news, politics, and personalities from the long-lived MMO game. Recorded live on https://www.twitch.tv/imperiumnews Saturday’s at 15:00 UTC Please support the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/matterall Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/hKhxq4m Youtube.com: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrk-tHMgg_i_LeVg3un6a3Pswgde7Yaue Produced By Maccloud (Imperium News Streaming) Soundtrack: But Not Tonight (Depeche Mode)