Episode 058 - Inner Peace & Food with Tres Hatch

Life in 22 Minutes - Podcast show

Summary: Today’s episode of Life in 22 Minutes, Scott and Becky Mackintosh welcome Tres Hatch. Tre shares how to be healthy and free of a body battle by re-writing inner monologues and living true desires. She boldly claims and explains “There is no bad food”. Body Peace and freedom from negative self-talk are core principles that Tre shares. As a TV Chef, speaker, and acclaimed author, her journey began as she overcame a life-long struggle to lose 110-pounds without dieting, and more remarkably, developed a happy relationship with food. She chronicles this journey in her book: Miracle Pill: 10 Truths to Healthy, Thin, & Sexy. Her new cook book, Daily Fuel: Global Flavors—Plenty of Plants—Premium Food Every Day, is due for release Summer of 2018.