3 Things NOT To Do If You Want To Save Your Marriage - The Dr. Joe Show

Marriage Helper Live show

Summary: You just found out your spouse wants out of your marriage. <br><br>You love your spouse. You don't want the marriage to end. <br><br>WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?!<br><br>Before knowing the 3 things you should do, it's very important to understand 3 key things you should NOT do if you are to have any hope for salvaging your marriage.<br><br>Unfortunately, most people do one or more of these three and put their marriage into greater jeopardy. It's extremely important to know what they are, understand why they cause more problems, and why you should not do them...or stop doing them. <br><br>In this program, Dr. Joe Beam and his special guest, relationship expert Jim Pourteau, discuss three key things to avoid. They explain what they are, why people do them, and why they have greater negative effect than positive. <br><br>If you love your spouse but s/he does or says any of the following:<br><br>- wants out of your marriage<br><br>- says s/he no longer loves you...or that s/he never did<br><br>- is involved with someone else<br><br>- claims s/he just wants to be alone<br><br>- is cold and distant<br><br>- seems like a different person<br><br>- is harsh and angry<br><br>Then you need to hear this program...AND the next podcast in the series "3 Things To Do If You Want to Save Your Marriage." (available beginning Sep 11, 2017)<br><br>For more marriage and relationship resources, go to <a href="http://www.MarriageHelper.com" rel="noopener">www.MarriageHelper.com</a> or call 615-472-1161. To ask Dr. Beam a question to be answered in a future podcast, go to <a href="https://www.speakpipe.com/joebeam" rel="noopener">https://www.speakpipe.com/joebeam</a>.