FL 157 – We help Cynthia shift from one-off sales to upselling her online ASL resource membership

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/podcast157"></a>Our guest this week is a real inspiration!<br> We’re super excited to help Flip Your Life community member &amp; ASL Resource Developer, Cynthia Long.<br> <br> Cynthia has been married 32 years, a mother of 3 AND grandmother of 3. Her passion in learning ASL began when her son had met a deaf boy in his study group. He said, "Mom, no one is talking to him." It’s how they decided to learn sign language and she became hooked. She loved signing so much that she eventually got a degree in ASL.<br> <br> Because her passion was so strong, she took her board exam fresh off her first year. She was the first in her college to become Nationally Certified and later was the first to be Certified in the school district.<br> <br> After 8 years of interpreting in the school system, she noticed that there were no resources for deaf and hearing impaired kids. This led her to create Sign Baby Sign that was initially meant to teach babies ASL, and has now evolved to supplementing school systems with ASL resource.<br> <br> Their website is now ASLteachingresources.com and continues to expand its content.<br> <br> Cynthia’s website is loaded with content and has generated income mostly from one-off sales. She is looking into turning her online business to lean towards a more sustainable and recurring feature. This brings us to her guest question, “How do I set up my membership site for my niche?”<br> <br> Join us as we help Cynthia pivot from one-off sales to the more passive income generating membership model.<br> <br> Are you interested on what the membership model can do for you and your business? Do you want to learn about its advantages and the strategies we use to implement it? Then get your thinking cap on and tune in, this episode just might take you to that next level you’ve been wanting to reach!<br> <br> [Tweet "“When you’re stuck &amp; things aren’t working out, it’s important to learn from it, step back and evolve.” - Jocelyn"]<br> <br> [Tweet "“It's amazing how just one idea can really explode into such an awesome thing.” - Jocelyn"]<br> <br>  <br> You Will Learn:<br> <br> * The advantage of upsells and what it can do for your sales<br> * Maximizing your customer’s lifetime value<br> * How to offer your upsells<br> * Purchase orders VS Credit cards<br> * Where does your niche / community like to talk<br> * Understanding your avatar calendar<br> * Plus so much more!<br> <br> [Tweet "“One of the goals in business is to create a forever customer.” - Shane"]<br> <br> [Tweet "“Knowing your calendar is critical to making launches and really good sales.” - Shane"]<br> Links and resources mentioned in today’s show:<br> <br> * <a href="http://aslteachingresources.com/">Cynthia’s Website</a><br> * <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/awod-0001-asl-word-of-the-day-apple/id1193197791?i=1000379756413&amp;mt=2">Cynthia’s iTunes Podcast</a><br> * <a href="http://ushistoryteachers.com/">US History Teachers</a><br> * <a href="https://elementarylibrarian.com/">Elementary Librarian</a><br> * <a href="https://youtu.be/Jo_Le-QTuWc?list=PLaGhQaTysg970CIrSSBQFYOA3MVOoy5Rq">FL Kids on YouTube</a><br> * <a href="https://www.facebook.com/theflkids">FL Kids on Facebook</a><br> * <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/flipyourlife">Flip Your Life community</a><br> * <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/patreon">Flipped Lifestyle’s Patreon page</a><br> <br> Enjoy the podcast; we hope it inspires you to explore what’s possible for your family!<br> <br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/flipped-lifestyle-podcast/id902645131?mt=2">Click here to leave us an iTunes review</a> and subscribe to the show! We may read yours on the air!<br> <br> <br> <br> Success Story of the Week:<br>