Episode 39: 18 August 2011

Galactic Suburbia show

Summary: In which we defend Mary Sues everywhere, point at superheroes with their pants down, plan a Hugo Twitterparti and reveal which of the three of us is secretly a hardcore horror fan. But most importantly, Alex is watching Blake's 7 completely unspoiled and she loves Avon the best, hooray! News The Mary Sue Conversation: Zoe Marriott Sarah Rees Brennan Holly Black Elizabeth Bear "Sometimes a book is about a female character because there are female people in the world." What if Male Superheroes posed like Wonder Woman? Gender Bent Justice League Bonus, superheroes without pants (except Wonder Woman): Cat Valente steps down from Apex Magazine as fiction editor, Lynne M Thomas steps up. Alex wants to be in Reno. Watch the Hugos! Join @GalacticSuburbs in whatever the right time zone is and Twitterparti the Hugos with us! What Culture Have we Consumed? Alisa - The Hunger Games, Life on Mars UK, The Women's Hour Podcast, Doctor Who Tansy - Lords & Ladies, Ter