Episode 39: Anyi Malik

YTunes Shuffle show

Summary: <p><a href="https://twitter.com/MaggiMayfield">Maggi </a>and <a href="https://twitter.com/D_E_W64">David</a> are thrilled to welcome, nationally touring comedian, Anyi Malik, who not only has a new album out on iTunes (Pop Grits) but is also featured in the latest Carl's Jr. television commercial campaign...which they talk about at length!</p><br> <p>Anyi talks about his start in comedy in the San Francisco area and how his father was actually very supportive of him. School was tough because friends did not come easily. His enlightened parents taught him about the true history of his surroundings and that critical thinking process made it difficult for Anyi to succeed in school socially and academically.</p><br> <p>Anyi shares a particular reggae song featured in his favorite movie but the lyrics are jolting. Maggi counters with a song with a great beat but questionable lyrics...Anyi assures her its "not that bad."</p><br> <p>We learn that his dad pushed him into performing at a very young age, reading poetry in cafes, that his first car was just the thing to help him learn how to flirt and impress girls, and that driving on road trips was better broken down into albums...not hours.</p><br> <p>His mom also loved music...but she listened to it in a particularly strange way that annoyed Anyi. Another song makes him think of a woman whom he really loved, who is unfortunately no longer with us today. We celebrate her through the power of song.</p><br> <p> </p><br> <p><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angry_Salad">Band</a> or <a href="http://www.ogiestrailerpark.com/">Bar</a> heads to Providence, RI; don't click the link yet! See if you can guess the correct answer along with Anyi and Maggi.</p><br> <p>Anyi's Guilty Pleasure is reminiscent of his lost love and First Concert story is a real 'first' for YTunes Shuffle.</p><br> <p>Follow <a href="http://anyimalik.com/">Anyi Malik online</a> and his new album <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/pop-grits/id1153311584">Pop Grits</a>. And if you haven't already, please like us on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ytunesshuffle/">Facebook</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/YTunesShuffle">Twitter</a> and/or <a href="https://www.instagram.com/ytunesshuffle/">Instagram</a>. Your feedback is welcome and appreciated. Thank you for listening, TuneSquad!</p>