65 – The Family Gamers Podcast – Boston FIG 2017

The Family Gamers Podcast show

Summary: It’s our favorite time of year! We discuss our favorite games from Boston FIG, with special guest, Corey Lagunowich. Then, listen to interviews from the show floor with Andrew.<br> <br> Notable tabletop games<br> Pitman by <a href="http://www.wildeastgames.com/in_progress.html" rel="nofollow">Wild East Games</a> (in progress)<br> Baon: The Game of Leftovers by <a href="http://brainsteingames.com/games/Baon.php" rel="nofollow">Brainstein Games</a><br> <a href="http://cakeduel.com/">Cake Duel</a> by Sizigi Studios (Kickstarter completed, should be shipping by December. $25)<br> Prom – a protoype still in the playtesting stage by Oxford Street Games<br> <a href="https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/takeout" rel="nofollow">Takeout</a> – a set collection game<br> Pinball Showdown from <a href="http://www.shootagaingames.com/" rel="nofollow">Shoot Again Games</a> – Andrew liked this game so much, he bought it as soon as he played it.<br> Shiki by Alex Garens – a haiku-building word game. Very relaxing and chill. Corey: “The Bob Ross card game… Happy little poems repair frienships”.<br> Rainbow Octopus by <a href="http://www.craycraygames.com/" rel="nofollow">Cray Cray Games</a> – A card game to build an octopus with each tentacle a different color. Notable because of the multiple difficulty levels – easiest is playable by a 4-year-old, but hardest becomes a fun game for 12+. Still in development.<br> Gut Instinct by <a href="https://www.bestcoastgames.com/" rel="nofollow">Best Coast Games</a> – in early playtesting. Play as white blood cells in the gut, destroying bad bacteria and using good bacteria to boost your power.<br> Biome Builder by <a href="http://www.killersnails.com" rel="nofollow">Killer Snails</a> – winner of FIG Best Family Tabletop Game (Kickstarter completed. Review coming soon?)<br> Notable digital games<br> <a href="http://kingofthehat.com/" rel="nofollow">King of the HAT</a> – Anitra was wrong. It is near release. <a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1566864251/king-of-the-hat" rel="nofollow">Back King of the HAT on Kickstarter now</a> – this game is pure gold! Winner of the FIG Audience Choice award.<br> <a href="https://www.pollywogpond.com/" rel="nofollow">Pollywog Pond</a> – we’ve mentioned this preschool educational game <a href="http://www.thefamilygamers.com/episode-27-bfig-digital/">in the past</a>, but it is finally out!<br> <a href="http://www.thesheepsmeow.com/games/exposure/" rel="nofollow">Exposure: A Game of Camouflage</a> from The Sheep’s Meow – an abstract game, coming soon to Steam and Xbox ONE.<br> Splats from <a href="https://www.unruly-studios.com/" rel="nofollow">Unruly Studios</a> – a toy that can teach kids coding (with Scratch) so they can make their own active games (jumping, racing, whack-a-mole inspired games). Coming soon to Kickstarter; we expect to spend quite a lot of money on these.<br> <a href="http://makesailgame.com/" rel="nofollow">Make Sail</a> from <a href="http://www.popcannibal.com" rel="nofollow">PopCannibal</a> – beautiful exploration game with very realistic sailing. No real story, but if you like sailing or you like exploration games, you might like it.<br> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/magic.moving.mansion.mania">Magic Moving Mansion Mania</a> – puzzle game for <a href="http://goo.gl/CrRxUr" rel="nofollow">iOS</a> / <a href="http://goo.gl/L8o1bQ" rel="nofollow">Android</a> where you swap tiles to guide the constantly-walking princess to her throne. Winner of Best Student Digital Game. Free!<br> <a href="http://petricoregames.com/games/battery-boy/" rel="nofollow">Battery Boy</a> – an endless runner game tied to the battery level of your mobile device. Difficulty level increases as your (real) battery level decreases.<br> Interviews<br> Rainbow Octopus with Josh Degregorio<br>