Forums, Magazine Misinformation & Screws with Dale Barnard – 360w360 E.251

360 with 360 WoodWorking Podcast show

Summary: <a href=""></a>In this episode of 360 with 360WoodWorking I asked Dale Barnard to join us again to talk about his (and some of my) pet peeves. He’s written blogs on many of these topics. We discuss woodworking forums, some misinformation found in woodworking magazines and screws. He likes drywall screws. Me, not so much. But we reach a mutual understanding.<br> Join 360 Woodworking every Thursday for a lively discussion on everything from tools to techniques to wood selection (and more). Glen talks with various guests about all things woodworking and some things that are slightly off topic. But the conversation is always information packed and lots of fun.<br> If you have topics you’d like covered in future episodes, click <a href="">here</a> to send 360woodworking an email.<br> Good Woodworking Info<br> Dale Barnard and I came to woodworking from similar backgrounds. He learned to be a carpenter from his father, and moved on to build and teach furniture making. I followed the same path, but my dad had more furniture information to pass along to me. Traveling paths that were all but the same, we agree on many things associated with woodworking. Forums may have the correct answer, but you often need to dig too deep to discover it. And we both share stories how woodworking magazines sometimes get it wrong. Oh yeah. We talk about screws, too.<br> If you haven’t joined 360WoodWorking already, <a href="">click here</a> to get even more great woodworking information. You can even give the gift of woodworking knowledge to someone you know, by <a href="">clicking here</a>.<br>