TPM - Episode #39 - with Guest Becky Rapinchuk (Clean Mama) on cleaning with less overwhelm, DIY, blogging and thoughts on minimalism

Podcast - The Practical Minimalists show

Summary: Today we are starting a new series on Clean, Green Living. So many of our listeners are interested in simplifying and living intentionally. Often times when we start cleaning out our physical and mental clutter, we find the space to think about things that might have otherwise felt overwhelming. Which brings us to this series. Over the next couple of weeks we are going to talk all about ways in which you can live cleaner and greener and we are starting by chatting with Becky Rapinchuk of the Clean Mama blog. Becky is also author of one of Heather’s favorite books, Simply Clean. She is a wife, mom, long time blogger, cleaning guru, and DIY master. Today we are talking to Becky about blogging, ways to stay on top of keeping a tidy and clean house that don’t leave you overwhelmed, and DIY home cleaning recipes.