'Becoming Machines Is Part of Our Destiny,' Says Transhumanist Zoltan Istvan [Podcast]

Reason Podcast show

Summary: Zoltan Istvan isn't just one of the world's leading transhumanists. He's one of its most unapologetic when it comes to using science and technology to improving and augmenting humanity. "If I could cut off my arm right now, to put on a stronger robotic arm because it's more functional, I would do it," he tells Nick Gillespie in the latest Reason Podcast. "My wife might not like it, but I would do it because it will help me to climb Mount Everest or help me to throw a football or whatever, or even just work and build houses....I think all of us will start merging with machines...I think even religious people will say, 'You know, becoming machines is part of our destiny.'"