CC Radio Ep 16 Pursuing Climate Justice

Citizens' Climate Lobby show

Summary: <br> What do people of color concerned about climate change and environmental impacts to their communities want white climate advocates to know? What roles do climate organizations with mostly white members play in environmental justice work? How do you define "the environment," and what is climate justice? Today we take on a big story. Bigger than any single extreme weather event, we explore the topics of environmental justice and climate justice. We look at how injustice in society, particularly in the USA, deepens suffering during a time of climate change. <a href="">Peggy Sheppard</a>, the co-founder and executive director of WE ACT For Environmental Justice and <a href="">Dr. Beverly G Ward</a>, Field Director for Earthcare for the Southeastern Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, talk about their work pursuing environmental and climate justice. <br> Art House/Puzzler<br> We did not want to rush the conversations with our guests, so we do not include an Art House segment or a new puzzler. Peterson will share the answers from last month's puzzler on Ep 17. You still have time to send in your answers. <br> Puzzler Question<br> You are chatting with an acquaintance, let's call him Larry. Somehow you get to talking about windmills and the rapid advances in renewable technology. Larry is sympathetic but bothered by something. He says to you, Yeah, I understand that these windmills can help to get us off of coal and gas, but they look so ugly! I hate how they are destroying the countryside.<br> So What would you say to Larry? Try to think of something that will open up the conversation and get him to better understand climate change. Get back to Peterson by October, 15, 2017. You can also email your answers to radio @ or leave a voicemail of 3 minutes or less at 570.483.8194. (+1 if calling from outside the USA.)<br> Dig Deeper<br> <br> <a href="">Principles of Environmental Justice</a><br> <a href="">Environmentalism Was Once a Social-Justice Movement by Jedediah Purdy</a><br> <a href="">WE ACT for Environmental Justice</a><br> <a href="">Hip Hop Caucus</a><br> <a href="">Our Warm Regards podcast: People Power: The Fight for Environmental Justice in the Age of Climate Change</a><br> <a href="">Citzens' Climate Radio Ep 6: Health, Climate, Community</a> w/ Dr. Natasha DeJarnett<br> <a href="">Dr. Robert Bullard</a>, Professor of Urban Planning and Environmental Policy in the Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas<br> <a href="">Devastated Puerto Rico Tests Fairness of Response to Climate Disasters</a><br> <br> You can hear Citizens’ Climate Radio on <a href="">iTunes</a>, <a href="">Stitcher Radio</a>, <a href="">Podbean</a>, <a href="">Northern Spirit Radio</a>, <a href="">Google Play</a>, and <a href="">TuneIn Radio</a>. Also, feel free to connect with other listeners, suggest