TAS 416: Strategies for Building a BRAND Using Social Media that Competes in a Highly Competitive Niche (Product and Market Revealed)

The Amazing Seller show

Summary: How can you push your brand to exceed expectations and thrive in the marketplace? What will it take to build a reputation that creates raving fans and loyal customers? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Lucas Walker as he opens up about lessons he has learned from creating and growing a successful ecommerce brand. What lessons can you learn from Lucas’ story? Make sure you have pen and paper ready as Lucas shares key insights that could make all the difference for ecommerce sellers like you - don’t miss it! <br> Social Media Promotion <br> Let’s face it, it is very difficult for a brand to gain momentum and financial success without having a social media presence. What Social Media strategy do you have in place to expand your brand’s public profile and engage with customers in a memorable way? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from business leader and entrepreneur Lucas Walker. Lucas has been able to grow a thriving and expanding business largely due to his savvy Social Media presence. Make sure to listen to this episode as he explains his approach and how leaders like you can follow suit. <br> Build An Email List<br> If you had a sure fire way to communicate with your customer base, roll out new promotions to spike your sales, and a test new product ideas, would you jump on board? Of course, you would! So how’s your email list strategy working out? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and his guest, Lucas Walker make the case for leveraging a well thought out email list plan to build your business. While it’s not always perfect and there can be issues along the way, building an email list has proven time and time again to be one of the best ways to connect with your customers and drive sales. Hear more on this topic from Scott and Lucas by listening to this episode! <br> Customer Engagement <br> When you sell your product in a digital space, what does it look like to go the extra mile and connect with your customer in a meaningful way? Is customer service a practical goal when it comes to the ecommerce space? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from business leader and innovator Lucas Walker. Lucas breaks down his approach to connect with new customers and following up with them in a way that elicits engagement in a unique way. Lucas’ customer engagement strategy is brilliant - make sure to listen to this episode to hear more! <br> Be Patient and Consistent! <br> What qualities are necessary for a business leader to find the success they are looking for? Intellect? The perfect product? Luck? While all three of those would be nice to have, according to Lucas Walker the key ingredients are patience and consistency. Lucas is convinced that in order for sellers like you to get anywhere with building your brand, you’ve got to exercise both of these qualities. At the end of the day, it comes down to keeping an eye on the big picture and remaining consistent in your approach to building a brand that will last. To hear Lucas expand on these ideas and much more, listen to this helpful episode of The Amazing Seller! <br> OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER<br> <br> [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast!<br> [4:30] Lucas Walker joins the podcast. <br> [6:00] Lucas tells his story about getting involved with ecommerce. <br> [11:30] How did Lucas connect with his first customers? <br> [14:00] Figuring out packaging and pricing. <br> [16:00] Promoting your brand via Social Media. <br> [22:30] Utilizing contests and other ways to engage with customers. <br> [28:00] Email follow up with new contacts. <br> [32:00] Advertizing to customers and encouraging return buyers. <br> [38:30] Lucas talks about his plans for the future. <br> [40:00] Parting advice from Lucas. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> TRANSCRIPT TAS 416<br>