Eena Basur “Joy of Consciousness” on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #1263

The Erica Glessing Show show

Summary: <br> Eena Basur<br> Eena is a joyful entrepreneur and travels around the world facilitating businesses and people to access and be the nurturing invitation with what they have to offer to the world - their voice, creations and products - with ease. Eena has a wide range experience of over 20 years in brand design with established clients that include Citibank, Jet Airways, Unesco, Woodstock School, ATS Infrastructure, to name a few. <br> She has been involved in creation and expanding of many businesses and products worldwide. Her joy in acknowledging, diversifying and expanding businesses, the people and their capacities, excited her to start her first adult business (she has been creating businesses and revenue streams for as long as she can remeber) in 2000, a graphic design firm on a zero budget with a rented computer. Since then she has created many more, some that were short lived yet channeled totally different possibilities and some that continue to expand. Her latest being 'The Earth Home' - a fast growing brand that has brought together on one platform her different busineses, in congruence with her desire to create joyful living - interiors, architecture, handcrafted furniture, brand design, business development - that she co-founded with her partner, Adreesh Chakraborty. <br> Eena is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator and Right Voice for You Breakthrough Facilitator. She desires to invite more and more people, businesses and brands to benevolent capitalism that is about creating organic growth whilst wishing well for all. It is about being with the world in a different way....your way - the way that is joyful for you. <br> For more! <a href=""></a> <br>  <br> Beyond 8 minutes of daily inspiration, every Tuesday on The Erica Glessing Show, is a "Turn It Up Tuesday"!<br> <br>   Erica's Note: The show is funded in part when you purchase products shown on these pages with affiliate links. Thank you so much (in advance) for clicking on them! <br>