Boy-Friendly Homeschooling – MBFLP 179

Making Biblical Family Life Practical show

Summary: <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href=""></a><br> <br> <br> <br> We had six boys, one after another, and thought our family's sort of crazy was just normal life. Then people who had girls first started asking, "How in the world do you manage to homeschool all those boys?" The fact is, they are very different from their sisters - and from the moms who teach them both. This episode, we look at some basic principles we've learned about creating a homeschool that works with boys as they are rather than struggling to fit them into a less boyish mold.<br> <br> <br> RESOURCES YOU MIGHT APPRECIATE<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Our hour-long workshop,<br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">"Ballistic Homeschooling"</a> <br> ---<br> Our book, <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">Raising Real Men</a><br> <br> <br> <br>