089 – How To Use the Power of Video to Engage More Readers

Novel Marketing show

Summary: Intro Paragraph:<br> In case you haven’t noticed, using videos as part of marketing is exploding. USA Today, everywhere else as well. So how do we as authors get on this train and use it to engage readers more deeply?<br> Talking Points:<br> 1. Why Video?<br> <br> YouTube-the greatest running backs in the NFL<br> They want to get to know you. Pictures can only go so far.<br> It’s exploding: Periscope, Facebook Live, etc.<br> It can open up worlds of creativity<br> It’s now doable. Anyone with a SmartPhone can do it.<br> <br> 2. You Might Already Have the Skill Set<br> <br> Consulting with authors who have a dramatic background-<br> Even if you don’t think you have the skills, you might if you’d only try<br> You have already done it if you’ve ever engaged with readers<br> <br> 3. How to Get Started<br> <br> Simple. Start practicing<br> Get a critique partner<br> All you need is a Smart phone<br> Get a remote mic http://www.imore.com/how-get-good-audio-while-shooting-video-your-iphone<br> Mac apps<br> PC apps<br> Getting better equipment- iPads, etc.<br> <br> 4. Subject Matter<br> <br> Themes of your books<br> Cool trivia from your novel(s)<br> Questions from readers<br> Your writing spot<br> The location of your novels<br> Behind the scenes/DVD extras<br> Take your camera to your next conference/book event/etc.<br> <br> Video Tips<br> <br> Light<br> Sound<br> <br> 5. How Long?<br> <br> Think blog posts … shorter is always better. Two minutes is probably max<br> When in doubt, cut it out.<br> Break it up into two videos<br> Consider Live Interactive Videos<br> <br> 6. Misc<br> <br> Music or no music?<br> Graphics? or no graphics?<br> Links<br> Setting up a YouTube channel<br> Must be visually interesting<br> <br> Sponsor:<br> <a href="http://www.mybookprogress.com">My Book Progress</a> Just in time for National Novel Writing Month. This free WordPress plugin lets you track your progress and hit your deadlines on your website. <br> Power Close: You have been listening to James L Rubart and Thomas Umstattd Jr. on the Novel Marketing podcast, giving you novel ideas on how to promote yourself and your writing, offline, online, and everywhere in-between. Thanks for listening.<br>