094 – How to Use the Ancient Power of Discipline to Accomplish Your Goals

Novel Marketing show

Summary: In this episode we are going to talk about discipline … we’re already through first quarter and are rapidly moving toward the finish of the first half of the year … and there’s an ever so slight possibility that some of your goals and resolutions for 2017 have slipped into the abyss of business and distractions … so we thought it timely to talk about how to become more focused on the things you truly want to accomplish during the remainder of 2017.<br> <br> Use the Seinfeld Calendar method<br> Take one day off in seven <br> Study time management and time discipline<br> Experiment with a media fast. Start with once a week<br> Get to bed earlier <br> Get enough sleep<br> Practice discipline when your face starts to itch<br> Find an accountability partner<br> Make NOT meeting your goals PAINFUL<br> Put MyBookProgress on your website and update it every day, go to mybookprogress.com <br> <br>  <br>