Episode 194: Blaming Hurricanes on a Higher Power / The Real James Comey

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less show

Summary: Pat Robertson has suggested that some natural disasters are God’s wrath for various sins. Well, with the arrival of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, he’s making those pronouncements again.<br> Or is he? Listen and see if you recognize who it is.<br> James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton of any prosecution over her private email server.  But was the fix in months before the press conference when he officially announced that? Yup.<br> To donate to hurricanes Harvey and Irma relief, <a href="http://considerthis.ctpodcasting.com/2017/09/08/helping-victims-of-hurricanes-harvey-and-irma/">click here</a> to find out how to donate to the Salvation Army disaster services, or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769).<br> Mentioned links:<br> <a href="https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kristine-marsh/2017/09/07/jennifer-lawrence-mother-natures-rage-directed-us-because-trump">Jennifer Lawrence: ‘Mother Nature’s Rage’ Directed at U.S. Because of Trump</a><br> <a href="https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2017/08/31/confirmed-comey-decided-he-wasnt-going-to-refer-hillary-for-prosecution-before-interviewing-key-witnesses-n2375767">Comey Decided He Wasn’t Going to Refer Hillary For Prosecution Long Before FBI Investigation Was Over</a><br> <a href="http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/451053/not-comeys-decision-exonerate-hillary-obamas-decision">It Wasn’t Comey’s Decision to Exonerate Hillary – It Was Obama’s</a><br> <a href="http://considerthis.ctpodcasting.com/2016/07/18/episode-147-the-law-is-dead-long-live-the-king/">Episode 147: The Law Is Dead. Long Live The King.</a><br> <br> Show transcript<br> The Reverend Pat Robertson is a guy that the media love to go to for a quote or three when they want to paint Christians as crazy. Of course, anyone who has their own show and is on for hundreds of hours a year is bound to say something weird at some point, but indeed some of what he has said is way out there.<br> For example, when hurricane Katrina hit back in 2005, he suggested that perhaps it was God’s anger over abortion; punishment for shedding innocent blood. I believe abortion is a serious moral issue as well, but I think it best we not try to tie things like natural disasters or terrorist attacks to a specific issue, or try to read the mind of God. Anyway, Pat really got reamed for that statement.<br> Now it’s 2017, and we have another active hurricane season.<br> (Just as an aside, have you noticed that the first real active hurricane season since 2005 has renewed calls to blame them on climate change? If this season “proves” the effects of climate change, what did 12 years of no major hurricanes hitting the US “prove”? Anyway…)<br> So now Harvey and Irma hit us with a 1-2 punch. (Actually, with the strength of these, perhaps it’s a 2-4 punch.) And now Robertson has come down out of the attic to lay blame again.<br> [Jennifer Lawrence audio]<br> Now wait a minute, did that sound like Pat Robertson to you? Or maybe it was an interview with Jennifer Lawrence promoting her latest movie, and the interviewer decided to work politics into the discussion. Yeah, the latter.<br> The irony here is that those are words that you can imagine Robertson saying. Now, you can’t really blame Lawrence, because she was only 15 when Robertson talked about Katrina, right? Well yes, actually you can. Is there any doubt that she or any member of the Hollywood Left would reject a similar pronouncement by a Christian? Well no, there isn’t.<br> <br> With all the news about hurricanes lately, there is a story that you might not have heard about. This is about the Hillary Clinton email server investigation while James Comey was head of the FBI. No, I’m not going to re-litigate that issue, but that’s because it was never litigated in the first place.<br> At the end of August, 2017, a letter came out that was written by Comey to the current director, Christopher Wray. In it,