8/22/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: President Trump’s Afghanistan speech was strong and solid and utterly different from any that Barack Obama gave or that the John McCain would give. Trump is trying to reverse what Obama, Democrats and Republicans did to our military. He is taking advice from real generals and not pretend generals who are yes men. Trump is not duped by the McCain wing of the Republican Party, but is engaged and trying to make the right decision. It is false to say that Trump is only as smart as his advisors. After that, former Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton, calls in to discuss Afghanistan. If Afghanistan were to return to pre-9/11 terror levels we would have trouble. We are not going to engage in nation building; our mission there is to protect us and if we don’t do it no one else will. Finally, Mitch McConnell is doubting whether Trump can save his presidency. McConnell has been threatening conservatives and the Trump agenda from day one. McConnell is out there like a mob boss trying to knock off any conservative that wants to defeat an incumbent Republican. It is time for McConnell to resign if he can’t be a positive force for change. He is out of the closet in trying to handicap this presidency.