8/23/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: President Trump in Phoenix was fantastic and gave a great speech. The real dishonest people are in the fake media. You would think the media wants to make the country great again but they don’t. They are the source of the division in this country, rather than tell the truth they prefer ratings and clicks. If the only thing that Trump does is expose the media he will have been a successful president. The media try to present themselves as a nonpartisan outlet but that is not true. Now they are out of the closet and we know the truth about them. It is time in this country that we had a national discussion about the behavior, lies, and partisanship of the media. The media hate Trump because he used to be one of them, but he rejected all of that. This media includes Don Lemon, Joe Scarborough, George Stephanopoulos, Ana Navarro and others. Joe Scarborough befriended Trump and his family and supported him early on in the campaign. Now the Morning Joe is an Independent and no longer a Republican. Now he just attacks Trump. According to Scarborough, Trump supporters all have the problems but he and Mika Brzezinski are just fine. After that, conservative are not destroying statues but the left is. The Democrat Party is trying to whitewash its history when it comes to destroying Confederate statues. You don’t start sand blasting history because you don’t agree with it. For the most part it should all stay. Later, Mark endorses Kelli Ward for U.S. Senate in Arizona against Jeff Flake. The difference between Flake and Ward is that Ward stands for something and has principles. Ward will be a conservative vote in the Senate and will not vote in Mitch McConnell as the Republican Senate leader. What is more offensive, Ward talking about chemtrails or McConnell ruining the debt ceiling?