8/25/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Dan Bongino, Contributing Editor at Conservative Review fills in for Mark. The left wing fringe kooks are winning the culture war but losing so badly where it counts — politics and elections. The leftist manufactured rage, like the extreme animosity toward statues that most people never knew existed just a month ago, works to move culture, but at the end of the day, leftists have zero substance or solutions. They sell you anger, and rage. That’s all they have! They can’t run honestly on what they stand for, because what they stand for is a bevy of loser positions. At least conservatives and libertarians stand for something, the left is just standing for outrage. We can’t continue as a Constitutional Republic as long as we have a fringe element that believes America is the problem. In addition, Hurricane Harvey is making landfall in Texas and is going to be a destructive storm. Harvey has been upgraded to a Category 4 as of Friday night and is closing in on Corpus Christi. If your local authorities tell you to evacuate, get out. Later, Colin Kaepernick doesn’t deserve respect. The guy wore socks that depicted police as pigs and a Castro T-shirt. He and those kneeling down, should get up and do something to help the community rather than disrespect the national anthem and the flag. Finally, President Trump pardoned Sheriff Joe Arpaio and we can expect the left to lose their minds over this.