8/28/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: After North Korea fired a missile over Japan, it’s now time for serious action against them and the key to do that is breaking China’s back financially by breaking its banks. How long can Japan, South Korea, and America live with this nuclear threat hanging over us and them? Diplomatic niceties and strategic patience didn’t work with North Korea back in 1994, and it doesn’t seem to be working now. It’s time to try something new. In addition, Sen. Ted Cruz calls in from Houston to give a firsthand report of the devastating flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey. The first responders and ordinary citizens have been phenomenal and it’s encouraging to see Texans coming together to help each other. Later, no organization in America in modern times has conducted more violence or harmed more people than ANTIFA. They come dressed in their outfits, black scarves and face masks to assault people who disagree with their agenda. ANTIFA is the paramilitary militia wing of the Democrat Party. This can be said because the Democrats are silent about them. Also, Sherriff Joe Arpaio was pardoned by President Trump and National Review should be reminded that this was not the crime of a century. The court denied Arpaio a trail because the offense was a misdemeanor. The judge had nothing but contempt for this gentleman. If federal courts are going to defy Constitution, why should there edicts be complied with? The left is not upset with the courts violating the Constitution, yet is upset over Arpaio. Finally, where are all the conservatives surrounding Trump? Trump does himself a disservice when his diversity of opinion is from a liberal Democrat from Manhattan and a liberal Democrat from Queens. Folks like Gary Cohn, are liberals and are not doing him any service.