9/1/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Congress, politicians and the media are damaging this Republic, especially when it comes to DACA. DACA is the latest issue regarding illegal immigration. Who made this country the way it is today? It was not the illegal immigrant, but the American citizen. The purpose of immigration is for the US citizen to decide how many people get to come here and who gets to come here. The left tries to turn everything into race and hate, but their viewpoint is irrelevant. In addition, Ronald Reagan’s amnesty was supposed to be the last amnesty, but since Reagan there have been multiple amnesties. We have had this debate going on for 30 years. Republicans won’t get rid of DACA because they are afraid of the columns in the media. President Trump has been buckling from day one on this issue and Republicans are urging him not to rescind DACA. Also, to DACA’s supporters, it is compassionate to trash the American people and violate the Constitution. Supporters of illegal immigration try to portray illegals as noble and virtuous while calling Americans lazy. The government has had 35 years to secure the border, yet they will not do it. Republicans and Democrats won’t even commit to secure the border. After that, in 2016, the FBI and DHS warned of more ANTIFA attacks, yet the Obama administration said nothing. Confidential documents from these two organizations call them domestic terrorists. ANTIFA has become increasingly dangerous yet CNN and the media downplay them. Finally, Raheem Kassam calls in to talk about his new book, No Go Zones: How Sharia Law is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You.