9/5/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Ben Ferguson of WREC in Memphis, Tennessee fills in for Mark. Barack Obama acknowledged that he had no legal authority to ignore federal law, but he still signed the DACA executive order. The 2012 election was coming up so Obama authorized an unconstitutional law, which was meant to be temporary. People like Mark Zuckerberg need to know there are consequences when you break the law. President Trump and AG Jeff Sessions had no choice but to respond, because many responsible state attorneys general were going to sue over DACA. It is not the President’s job to make laws when Congress doesn’t make them. The DACA program, whether you love or hate it, needs to be acted upon by Congress. Trump deserves credit for laying out a 6 month period for Congress to do their job, which is compassionate. After that, Hillary Clinton is now blaming Bernie Sanders for her loss. She is going to make seven figures off her book while claiming life is not fair. In addition, North Korea is threatening to annihilate America. This is why you don’t let crazy people acquire nuclear weapons. With people like Kim Jong-un, actions speak louder than words. We punted to the Chinese after we punted to the UN, but this has not worked. Also, the media should hold accountable people who got us here. For about 10 years, we have let Kim Jong-un do whatever he wants.