9/7/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Ben Shapiro, Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Wire, fills in for Mark. We are all rooting for President Trump to do the right thing, but he has to do the right thing. Hitting Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell should not cause Trump to elevate Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi by negotiating to raise the debt ceiling. Not only did Trump undercut leaders of his own party, but it is now coming out that Trump wants to get rid of the debt ceiling entirely. Money is going to Harvey relief yet, there are no accompanying cuts to government. Article 1 of the Constitution gives Congress the power of the purse and Trump is working with Democrats to get rid of it. Congress is supposed to make sure that the debt doesn’t get out of hand. You can’t just raise the debt ceiling without having a plan to cut spending. We have gotten some really good things from Trump, but the last 48 hours have been scary for conservatives. Also, Trump is acting like a Democrat when it comes to DACA, speaking in support of the Democrat senator from Nebraska and working with Schumer and Pelosi. After that, a three judge panel in San Francisco on the 9th Circuit Court has ruled that it is not enough to allow parents and in-laws of immigrants into the U.S. We also have to allow in their grandparents and cousins. A lot of people have relatives in countries that are dangerous. The left has a preferred immigration policy which is that everybody gets in. Later, Betsy DeVos is bringing Title IX to an end which allowed colleges to set up tribunals for rape cases. These tribunals denied the accused due process. According to them, the accused are guilty until proven innocent. With the left you have to condemn people without evidence or you side with criminality.